Sunday, June 2, 2019


I spent today outside, turning garden beds and FINALLY planting our veggies for this summer. And I definitely do not have a green thumb for indoor plants, so I have to say it always feels so satisfying to pick and eat food that I have grown and nurtured in my own backyard. There is just something about that action that says "life" and "success" to me.

And at the same time, I get an odd kind of cathartic pleasure out of successfully killing weeds.

I don't think that anyone would ever say this pride in growing vegetables, and pleasure in killing dandelions is morbid or inappropriate, but if you stop to think about it killing a weed is indeed ending the life of a living thing...

My daughter is nearly eight years old and she would still tell you that dandelions are beautiful.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I suppose what defines "life" is as well. Judging by the news cycle, I don't foresee these judgement calls to get any easier. Only more contentious.

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