Sunday, August 30, 2020

It's all so much...

Today my family and I had to say goodbye to our doggo, Milo. We adopted Milo (or "My-my" as we often called him) in May 2019, so we haven't had him long, but my goodness had he ever wormed his little paws into our hearts. I am struck by how deeply this grief hits. 

And tonight I am reminded on a very personal and palpable level, how grief layers onto previous loss, how this year has just compounded all.the.things, and of how deeply I relied on that fur ball for my personal support snuggles in the dark times... 

COVID-19, ongoing racism & hatred & murder of BIPOC people, deeply felt celebrity deaths, loss of purpose/self/sanity... and now the death of my family's bright shining light.

2020... it's been... a LOT. 

Practice kindness to yourself this week. Practice patience and love for others during your Zoom calls. Take moments to hold space in honour of your loved ones, past and present. Take your time... we all deserve it. 

A different kind of intersection

Yesterday was both National Philanthropy Day and National Grief & Bereavement Day in Canada, an intersect of my two professional passion...